welcome to the home page of Gene Yogodzinski and his students in the Department of Earth & Ocean Sciences at the University of South Carolina.
Our research combines geological field work with geochemical studies that focus primarily on the use of trace elements and isotopes to understand magmatic processes and their roll in the evolution of the Earth’s crust and mantle. Our interest is primarily in understanding how the geochemistry of island arc volcanic rocks is controlled by tectonic processes in different subduction settings.
All of our projects are tied in some way to basic geologic observations “on the ground”, so we also have a strong interest in field geology, especially in areas of active volcanism. Most of our work is in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and on the Kamchatka Peninsula of the Russian Far East. We also have worked in the western U.S., especially in Oregon and Nevada, and have been involved in projects in Romania and Ecuador.
We are always looking for new students, so if you are interested in rocks-and-minerals and in using geochemistry to understand igneous processes, please send me an email and I'll let you know what the current opportunities are.
Thanks for visiting!